On Sesotho: A blog by Rethabile Masilo — master-purveyor of all things Lesotho across the Web — which contains lessons on the language, explanations of its myriad idioms, as well as gems of cultural insight.
Lesotho Wikipedia: It may seem obvious, but no other source on the Internet has as comprehensive and accurate a summary of the country as Wikipedia.
Sesotho Online: An English-Sesotho dictionary that is limited, but free and the best on the Internet.
Puo Ea Sechaba (Language of the People): A beginner’s language manual for Sesotho. Written by Colin Hoag, a former Peace Corps volunteer who has the best language skills of any volunteer I’ve met, this primer is both colloquial and accurate. It’s used by Peace Corps Trainees today and is useful for travelers to Lesotho.
Friends of Lesotho: An organization composed of returned Peace Corps volunteers and others interested in the country, their website provides some excellent services such as maps and Sesotho pronunciation audio.