“Be Your Own Farmer,” reads the sticker on the back of Jacques’ truck. And he lives it. And his family reaps the rewards.
As do I. I’ve never visited Jacques’ place without him taking me on a tour and sharing samples of whatever is ripe. What’s more, even as some of the food plants that Jacques grows I also grow, many I have eaten for the first time in his garden — some I have heard of for the first time in his eclectic garden.
So I asked Jacques if he would be willing to share with you the panoply of edible plants he grows. He was graciously willing. We will do so with a monthly video tour. The point is to educate and inspire us, to show us the variety and bounty that we can eat fresh from our Southern California yards in every month of the year, if we would only be our own farmer, too.
Here is January:
See you next month for a taste of what’s ripe in February.
Leave a comment or question for Jacques below, and I’ll make sure he sees it.
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Hi Greg, love the video of Jacques in his garden. Can you please ask him how to get a Dr White Cherimoya? I would love one in my garden. I am very impressed with how his is bearing in January here in Southern Cal! Thanks and looking forward to seeing you soon!
Wonderful idea, these monthly tours.
Excellent! Had not heard of a lot of these fruits. Looking forward to the months ahead!
How cool!! Also love that it’s not a “perfect” space rather rambling sprawl. Can’t wait to see spring. Natal plum – going to research! Thanks for sharing.
Is his Natal plum Carissa?
Thanks for the tour, Greg and Jacques.
Hi Joshua,
Yes, Jacques says that natal plum is Carissa. (And I was surprised how much I enjoyed eating it. I had grown up with natal plum hedges all over my neighborhood, and they were not worth eating. This Carissa is far superior.)
What a fantastic mixed orchard of exotic fruits! Jacques has obviously worked hard to make the most of his hillside piece of land.