February in Jacques’ food garden

February in Jacques’ food garden

What’s ripe in February on the fruit trees and other edible plants in Jacques’ eclectic food garden? A lot of citrus and more. Have a look: Do you grow some of these same plants? Do they also taste good in February? Here is what was ripe last month,...
January in Jacques’ Food Garden

January in Jacques’ Food Garden

“Be Your Own Farmer,” reads the sticker on the back of Jacques’ truck. And he lives it. And his family reaps the rewards. As do I. I’ve never visited Jacques’ place without him taking me on a tour and sharing samples of whatever is ripe....
The layout of a food garden: where to plant what?

The layout of a food garden: where to plant what?

You might be planning a food garden for the first time, or you might be wondering if your vegetables and fruit trees are planted in the best places. Either way, this post is for you. I have built food gardens in a couple different yards for myself and my family, and I...
Fires, Farms, and being Neighbors

Fires, Farms, and being Neighbors

Do you remember my interview with John Schoustra? He is – I thought about this for a while to make sure I wasn’t forgetting anyone or exaggerating – the most innovative, open-minded, and experimental avocado farmer I know. (Please refresh your memory by checking this...
Supporting The Yard Posts

Supporting The Yard Posts

My goal with The Yard Posts is to help others grow food at home, with a focus on vegetables and fruits — especially avocados — in Southern California. How do I do this? I write short articles – “posts” – each Friday, and I augment each post with photos and...
Lessons from the September 2024 heat wave

Lessons from the September 2024 heat wave

Rather than a whimper, summer in Southern California often goes out with a bang, with a heat wave around Labor Day. I’m glad this one is over, as at my place it was 100-degrees or higher for nine days straight. But before putting it in the back of my mind, I want to...
Remembering winter (in summer)

Remembering winter (in summer)

It is the height of the heat of summer now, but this week I was browsing back through photos until I arrived at last winter. The yard was green. There was frost. Plants were wet with rain. What a different world – in the same place, just in the opposite season. Early...
Growing wheat in Southern California

Growing wheat in Southern California

Last winter, I sowed wheat with my kids. As we were spreading the seeds and covering them with compost, we talked about the different ways we eat wheat and how we wanted to eat this crop when it matured in the spring. The idea that came out on top was banana bread....
List of Yard Posts

List of Yard Posts

Here I have them listed and categorized. Each title is a link. Thank you for your support . . . so that The Yard Posts are all food gardening and zero ads. Fruit Trees, general: Transplanting fruit trees in Southern California Don’t prune apricots, cherries, and...
Who grows the rest of your food?

Who grows the rest of your food?

We are food gardeners. We grow and raise some of our food, but none of us grow and raise it all. Who grows the rest of our food? I’ll share where my family gets some of the rest of our food, and I’d appreciate it if you would share farms or sources you...

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