What’s ripe in February on the fruit trees and other edible plants in Jacques’ eclectic food garden? A lot of citrus and more. Have a look:
Do you grow some of these same plants? Do they also taste good in February?
Here is what was ripe last month, January, in Jacques’ garden in case you missed it.
We will visit his place again in March.
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I love these videos of Jacques’ garden! Thank you Greg 🙂
I just watched the January one and this one. he’s got quite the variety there. We’ve done something similar and I would recommend to anyone with any kind of yard to be planting as many fruit bearing trees as you can. once the tree is in it’s a lot easier to maintain than a vegetable garden and gives you food every year. We only put mulch down anymore as well (except a few things in pots)
Same here, put a lot of fruit trees and only apply mulch/homemade compost.
Thanks for the videos, very nice!, I just need more land 🙂 If you wouldn’t mind asking on one of the next times, i’m curious what kind of issues he has with rodents and general wildlife, and if he does anything about it, I didn’t see any kind of netting or enclosures, so just kind of curious.
I have a much smaller amount of fruit trees and don’t use anything in my yard, have found that as the trees get bigger and produce more fruit, the critters get some but there’s plenty left. I also noticed over the years more rabbits moved into the area, which eventually brought coyotes and I can see that some of the coyotes now live in the neighborhood and I’m sure help with critters as well. I don’t even see squirrels in my yard anymore except for the remnants of their fur from time to time. I also get a lot of coyote dumps throughout the yard on a regular basis and my camera system catches the coyote patrolling the yard frequently. Aside from more fruit growing on the trees, the coyote patrol I’m sure makes a big difference too. On a hillside in Whittier
I’m in a fenced in neigborhood, san jose area, while we do have occasional coyotes roaming the streets, they can’t get in the yards (although they are usually more seen in the evenings). Squirrels are the biggest issue, and they seem to have no more predators. Crows generally chase the bigger birds away. I saw 15 or more squirrels all playing some kind of tag, jumping over car tires, across the street, back and forth. I see rat damage as well on avocados, and the rats steal a few oranges, but squirrels strip the small trees clean. I agree, if the tree is big enough, it’s not as much an issue, but because of a smaller yard, I have mainly semi-dwarf trees (looks like a lot of Jacques trees aren’t too large either). I saw a few bobcats in the yard over the years and got my hopes up, but they never seem to hang around long.
Hope all is ok with Greg, no posts for 3 weeks…
In Greg’s weekly newsletter he said “For the month of March I will be disconnected from the Internet, which means no new Yard Posts, comment replies, email, etc. I look forward to reconnecting with you in April.”