I crack up whenever I think of this comment someone made to my wife: “I really like your husband’s blog, except there are so many words.”
Maybe not this week? Here are ten photos that capture aspects of this past summer, with captions that I’ve trimmed and trimmed.
First, the photo above: It’s easy to start an asparagus patch, but have you ever tried stopping one? Even though I no longer water it, mine refuses to die.

We had two grapevines fruit for the first time this summer, both of which were delicious. This one is called Princess. And down below is Flame.

In the past, I’d always removed fruit or pruned when a branch on an avocado tree set too much, but I’m hungry this year — after losing hundreds of avocados in last summer’s record heat wave — so now I’m trying to keep every last fruit on this Reed avocado tree by propping branches. Will I pay for my greed?

My daughter is learning to talk, and one of her first words has been “pluot.” She is addicted. Here she is eating a Flavor King.

Below is the tree from which she picked the pluot.

The tree is holding its fruit surprisingly late. I’m guessing she’ll still be enjoying a few into October.

Pomegranates are pretty.

I took a picture of this watermelon and my camera read the design on its rind as a QR code.

I did more grafting than usual back in the spring, and some have grown out well this summer. Here is an avocado graft that I enjoy looking at because it formed a most perfect union.

C is for?
Thank you for all your advice, words included. My two year old Reed is having its first crop 18 beautiful avocados the size of apples at present. We will truly enjoy them next year. This is my first ever avocado tree. Lost all of last years grape size reeds when we had the 106 degree temps. I’ve followed your guidance to the tee and it works!
Hi Ron,
Great to hear your tree is doing well and that what works for me is working for you. It’s sometimes hard to know what methods and care will work on other avocado trees in other locations.
Love the pics, especially of the kids enjoying the fruits you grow. Also love your many words. š Interesting regarding asparagus…I don’t think I’ve ever seen asparagus growing.
I live in the low desert of So Cal where summer temps often get into the 109-118 degree range, and growing is a challenge. I grew up in the Midwest and Dad was a florist with a huge greenhouse, and his gardens and fruit trees at home were amazing. Occasionally I find farmers’ markets peaches or tomatoes that are ALMOST as good as his were. He learned how to grow from his Dad, who had a smaller greenhouse business (at home), also in the Midwest. Thanks for all your ideas and information.
Gophers killed our first try at asparagus years ago. Now we’re trying them again in a pot, but our newest yard pest is bunnies. They eat anything, it seems, even my dwarf Meyer lemon. Any tips on keeping them in my neighbor’s yard and out of mine?
Hi Christine,
Have bunnies eaten any of your asparagus? I’ve got lots of rabbits eating lots of plants in my vegetable garden right now, but they’ve never touched my asparagus. Maybe I should grow an asparagus fence around my other vegetables!
Actually, no! The asparagus has not been gobbled by bunnies! Astonishing. Cilantro, lantana, zinnias, I can’t even recall all the first plants that got “mowed”… Asparagus fence is an interesting and tasty idea.
I want to hear what you have to say!!! You have terrific knowledge for this area. I can’t get that from pictures alone. Don’t listen to what that person says!
Your flavor king is amazing! Wow! What are you pollinating with?
Fairy dust, of course. No, this has been a banner year for my pluots, and I think it’s primarily the luck of the weather last winter with great rain and chill. I expect next year to be far less abundant.
But it can’t hurt that I have four pluot varieties and one Burgundy plum all adjacent to one another. Pluot varieties are Splash, Flavor King, Flavor Grenade, and Dapple Dandy.
Here’s a video I took as their bloom ramped up earlier this year: https://youtu.be/9S22t7ovRAA
Gimmie a break with those flame grapes…. Iām about to eat the photo. I liked this post. Nice little change up. Now back to the running standard!
Those Flames were a real tease. The vine only had a couple of small bunches, but they were astoundingly crunchy and flavorful. I’ve never had a crisper grape. Really looking forward to next year.
In the spirit of keeping it brief, I appreciate your so many words.
That person must not be a fan of reading in general. Your writing style is actually clear and concise. I look forward to your posts. š
Cute kids by the way!
Greg, write as much as you want! Love the photos and looks like a great summer!
I only just signed up. But I can tell you already that your many words are very pleasant.