Early spring is a time of transition in the Southern California vegetable garden when cool-season crops are still growing and being harvested but warm-season crops are being sown and planted as well.
This video shows what my vegetable garden looks like here in early April: what is growing and being harvested; what has recently been sown and planted; and also, what will soon be planted from my stock of seedlings.
I think you’ll find some enjoyment in seeing what’s happening right now among my vegetables. I know that I always get something out of visiting other gardens.
Here again are the sowing and planting dates for each crop shown in the video:
Bed 1. Beets and Carrots (‘Bolero’) sown January 10
2. Peas sown January 10; Lettuce sown January 10, planted February 22 (not “sown” February 22)
3. Lettuce sown January 10, planted February 22; Collards sown October 5, 2020
4. Onions (‘Madalyn’) sown October 24, planted December 16
5. Carrots (‘Mokum’) sown February 3
6. Broccoli (‘Batavia’) sown September 17, planted November 1
7. Peppers planted May 9, 2020
8. Carrots sown February 14; Potatoes sown January 10
9. Tomatoes planted March 31; Strawberries permanent
10. Strawberries permanent
11. Onions (‘Red Rock’ and ‘White Castle’) sown September 30
12. Broccoli and cauliflower sown January 10, planted March 4
For more on timings of sowings and plantings, see:
My 2021 Food Gardening Calendar
Which vegetables can I plant now in Southern California?
All of my Yard Posts are listed HERE
Thank you for this video! It’s so helpful to see what’s growing in other Southern California gardens this time of year.
wonderful video and nice to see so much growing in your garden beds! I just wanted to suggest eating the broccoli leaves:-) Use them like chard or kale; they’ll stand up to long braising and can be made into chips. If you had younger plants, the tender leaves are nice in a salad. Milder in flavor than the heads, some haters will eat the leaves:-) Google for culinary ideas or experiment, it’s all good:-)
Hi Greg, Thanks for the video. I’m curious about the tomatoes interplanted with strawberries. I am planting strawberries for the first year and everything I read said never to plant them with tomatoes so I moved my tomatoes to another bed. Do the tomatoes or nightshade plants harm strawberries or is it okay? Thanks!
Hi Carol,
I’ve interplanted tomatoes and strawberries before and never had a problem.
Hey Greg, I saw you have a bed dedicated to peppers. Is it still going strong? Do you cover them in the winter?
I’m new to gardening, starting with raised garden beds due to age and back. Can the above information be incorporated to beds or is there a different method you’d recommend. So happy I found you, I’m using your tips and cant wait to plant.