Growing avocado trees in containers

Growing avocado trees in containers

It’s baffling out there. Advice about growing avocado trees in containers comes from every direction and often conflicts. Should you use a potting mix that includes organic materials? Which kind of pot should you use? What’s the best variety for growing in...
MacArthur avocado: a profile

MacArthur avocado: a profile

Thomas Shedden’s mother lived to age 95. Avocados formed a large part of her diet, and it was Shedden’s belief that his mother’s longevity and good health was due to this. In her honor, Shedden named an avocado that he discovered after her, MacArthur...
Protecting avocado trees from heat

Protecting avocado trees from heat

If the air temperature is comfortable for you, then it is comfortable for your avocado tree. Optimum temperature for avocado trees It’s tempting to think of avocados as loving heat because they originated in the tropics, but we must remember that they come from high...
Advantage of multiple avocado pollenizers

Advantage of multiple avocado pollenizers

An avocado pollenizer is a tree of a different flower type that is used to help another tree make more fruit. For example, a Zutano avocado tree is often planted as a pollenizer among Hass avocado trees on farms because the Zutano is a B flower whereas Hass is an A....

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