by Greg Alder | Aug 11, 2023 | Vegetables |
Last week I was with my cousin Paul as he bought a large heirloom tomato at a farmers market and then made breakfast with it the next morning: toast with mayonnaise, hunky slices of tomato, and salt. It looked like the right thing to do. So when I got home I picked a...
by Greg Alder | Aug 11, 2023 | Vegetables |
Last summer, many of my tomatoes were cracking near the stem and I couldn’t figure out why. Based on consulting some books and getting some advice from a farmer friend, I thought some possible causes were “inconsistent watering,” intense sunlight...
by Greg Alder | Jun 24, 2023 | Pests, Vegetables |
One downside to the wet winter and cool spring we’ve had is that earwigs, pill bugs, slugs, and snails have found this weather heavenly, and they continue to munch on my vegetables even during these first days of summer. But I’ve got a few tricks up...
by Greg Alder | May 5, 2023 | Vegetables |
Though they are pretty and bees love them, I’d rather my onions not make flowers. Why? Because the flower stalk ruins the core of the bulb. An onion that has flowered, sliced in half. Once the onion plant sends up a flower stalk there is nothing you can do...
by Greg Alder | Jan 13, 2023 | Vegetables |
In spring and summer, I tend to grow my lettuce and greens as individual plants, and I harvest them by picking individual outer leaves. But during the cooler times of the year I often switch to the cut-and-come-again method, where I sow the seeds densely and harvest...
by Greg Alder | Jan 6, 2023 | Vegetables |
I hate to see folks letting their vegetable gardens go dormant in the winter. The eggplants and tomatillos and cucumbers decline in the fall, and they don’t replace them with cool-season crops. They just wait to get started again in the spring, as if they live...
by Greg Alder | Dec 16, 2022 | Vegetables |
Is it best to grow vegetables in raised boxes? Best for the vegetables? Best for you? Even though I grow my vegetables in the ground in my current garden, growing in raised boxes might be right for you. I’ll go through the pros and cons of growing...
by Greg Alder | Nov 18, 2022 | Vegetables |
Yesterday, I picked a picture-perfect zucchini from a plant that I grew from seed way back on March 1. Have you ever known a zucchini plant to remain productive all through spring, through summer, and well into the fall? This is extraordinary. Let me briefly...
by Greg Alder | Nov 11, 2022 | Pests, Vegetables |
It had been a few years since I grew wheat so I sowed the ‘Pima Club’ variety with optimism last week. Then a flock of white-crowned sparrows arrived. I walked up to the bed as they fluttered off, and I found a fuzzy mess. It looked like they had scratched...
by Greg Alder | Oct 21, 2022 | Vegetables |
When I have a good tomato year and end up with more fruit than family and friends can eat, I freeze the extras. There are other ways to preserve tomatoes — drying, canning, etc. — but I choose freezing because of how fast and easy it is. Freezing tomatoes...
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