Should you get chickens?

Should you get chickens?

Our yard feels boring right now. For the first time in a few years there are no chickens running around. Should we get a new batch of chicks soon? Would you like to add chickens to your own yard? Let’s take a pros and cons approach. What do you get out of having...
Santa Ana winds and your garden

Santa Ana winds and your garden

Santa Anas cause many things. They mess up your hair, they put dust into your eyes, they make your lips crack and your throat feel dry, they make the power company shut off your electricity, and of course, they make fires run wild. Santa Anas also make for good...
Handwatering vegetables

Handwatering vegetables

I wish that I could water all of my vegetables by hand all the time, but as my family has grown so necessarily has my vegetable garden, and I’ve decided to accept the costs and wastes of watering with sprinklers and driplines in order to save time. During a Southern...

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