by Greg Alder | Jun 18, 2021 | Avocados |
“Does not the spraying of the foliage of the trees protect them to some extent in hot weather?” asked J.B. McLaughlin, rhetorically. He had seen the effects of this practice for mitigating heat when he tried it during the devastating heat wave of more than a century...
by Greg Alder | May 27, 2021 | Avocados |
Do not fear if, in the spring, your avocado tree turns many leaves yellow and drops them to the ground. It’s natural! Look at my trees: For other ways to “read” avocado leaves, see my post, “Reading avocado leaves.” All of my Yard Posts...
by Greg Alder | May 14, 2021 | Avocados |
Given that a tree is healthy and making lots of flowers, there are three main external conditions that create ideal avocado pollination potential: warm weather, lots of bees, and different varieties blooming near each other. While I’ve seen these elements work...
by Greg Alder | May 14, 2021 | Avocados |
Check out this video of the historic and high-quality Edranol avocado: More about the Edranol avocado: Edranol entry in Variety Database on Edranol frame in Avocado Variety List of University of California, Riverside Note on Edranol production in...
by Greg Alder | Apr 23, 2021 | Avocados |
I was walking through a friend’s grove last week and this thought grabbed me: During April, some early avocado varieties are still hanging on the tree while late varieties are nearly full-sized; so if there’s a single best time to see avocados on trees of...
by Greg Alder | Apr 23, 2021 | Avocados |
There are some avocado trees in Southern California that survive on rainfall alone. Some that I know were once part of old groves while others appear to have grown as wild seedlings from the beginning. Have they tapped into an underground water source? Are they on a...
by Greg Alder | Apr 23, 2021 | Avocados |
Maybe you only have space for one avocado tree, but you want maximum fruit production. You could try keeping a small tree of the opposite flower type (A/B) in a container next to your main tree. During spring when they’re both in bloom, the bees can use the...
by Greg Alder | Mar 14, 2021 | Avocados |
The evening was recorded and posted on the Orange County CRFG YouTube channel. You can watch it there or watch it here. Consider subscribing to the OC CRFG channel, as they have many excellent videos. And consider becoming a member of the California Rare Fruit Growers...
by Greg Alder | Mar 5, 2021 | Avocados |
Rootstocks are mysterious. They do their work hidden, underground. Yet, their influence on the trees above ground is real and measurable. For example, some rootstocks have demonstrated that they can induce the tops to make more than twice as much fruit compared to...
by Greg Alder | Feb 14, 2021 | Avocados |
A six-minute video about the Mayo or Covocado avocado variety: More avocado variety profiles HERE All of my Yard Posts listed HERE ShareClick to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new...
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