by Greg Alder | Feb 28, 2025 | February, Misc |
What’s ripe in February on the fruit trees and other edible plants in Jacques’ eclectic food garden? A lot of citrus and more. Have a look: Do you grow some of these same plants? Do they also taste good in February? Here is what was ripe last month,...
by Greg Alder | Jan 31, 2025 | January, Misc |
“Be Your Own Farmer,” reads the sticker on the back of Jacques’ truck. And he lives it. And his family reaps the rewards. As do I. I’ve never visited Jacques’ place without him taking me on a tour and sharing samples of whatever is ripe....
by Greg Alder | Jan 1, 2025 | January, Months |
Here it is: our deep winter. In January, we might see frost on our lettuce, and we can enjoy a fire in the fireplace. Appreciate it before it’s warm again for the rest of the year. Have your deciduous fruit trees lost all of their leaves? Enjoy that look while...
by Greg Alder | Nov 8, 2024 | Months, November |
November is cool. The barometer falls to an average high of 73 this month, in my yard, which is about the same as most yards in Southern California. And the average daily evapotranspiration rate is only 0.08 inches in November, a threefold decrease compared to the...
by Greg Alder | Jun 7, 2024 | June, Months |
June is the lush month. June is the jungle month, particularly toward the end. The days are at their longest and they are warm, so the garden begins to look verdant and tangled in a most wonderful way. Squash vines overtake your walking paths. Corn stalks tower...
by Greg Alder | Mar 1, 2024 | March, Months |
March is citrus month. Almost every kind of citrus tastes good in March in Southern California. While some are still ripe, others are just starting to taste sweet. What I mean is, some are wrapping up their seasons now, like navel oranges and blood oranges and Kishu...
by Greg Alder | Dec 1, 2023 | December, Months |
I like to sit by the fireplace during the long nights of December and read my notes and reflect on the past growing year. Did I grow enough onions for the family? I suspect I watered my USDA 88-2 mandarin tree too much. How much water did it get? Should I plant...
by Greg Alder | Sep 1, 2023 | Months, September |
In September, summer turns to fall, but summer never goes willingly in Southern California. It always kicks us with one last heat wave. When I was a kid, school started right after Labor Day, and that first week back at school was always the hottest of the year. (Hot...
by Greg Alder | Oct 20, 2022 | Months, October |
“Why are those leaves on the pistache tree yellow?” asked my three-year old son. “Soon they’ll all be yellow — and orange and red — and then they’ll fall. That’s why they call this time of year Fall.” Truth is, in...
by Greg Alder | Jul 1, 2022 | July, Months |
Stay cool. Make shade. Have a drink. Go to the beach. Harvest in the morning. Harvest in the evening. It’s summer for all of us now — inland it’s felt like summer for a month already; but within a mile of the beach, it usually only starts feeling...
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