by Greg Alder | Dec 25, 2020 | Avocados |
Enjoy this five-minute video I made about the Ettinger variety of avocado, including its eating qualities compared to other varieties, plus a bit about its origin in Israel and its status in California today. My experience with growing Ettinger trees is still . . ....
by Greg Alder | Dec 11, 2020 | Citrus |
We were on the corner of Arlington and Magnolia in Riverside, looking at some citrus trees surrounded by a wrought-iron fence. It was 2012, I was with a group of Master Gardener trainees, and our guide started telling us the story of one of the trees. The tree was, at...
by Greg Alder | Dec 4, 2020 | Avocados |
More times than I’d like to admit, I’ve cut open avocados too early or let them ripen on the counter too long. My wife loves to make fun of me for this. I’m particularly prone to doing it with varieties that take forever to ripen, like Pinkerton, or...
by Greg Alder | Dec 4, 2020 | Avocados |
Inside this calendar, you’ll find an array of information to help guide the care of an avocado tree throughout the year. For example, I’ve included this watering table: The watering table inside the calendar. You’ll also find a photo for each month...
by Greg Alder | Nov 20, 2020 | Fruit |
My first memory of eating fruit involves being at the pomegranate tree and my mom saying something about red juice stains all over my shirt. I don’t recall how I opened that fruit, but here is how I open pomegranates today for my kids. First, score the peel in a...
by Greg Alder | Nov 6, 2020 | Avocados |
“I wanted to ask about your avocado tree,” I said. “Everybody wants to pick my avocados!” the man replied. We were standing in his driveway next to an old Fuerte. “I don’t want any avocados, actually,” I said. He looked...
by Greg Alder | Oct 23, 2020 | Fruit |
Aren’t fruit trees supposed to bloom in spring? Then why do some of mine have flowers here in October? My pluot trees have a few flowers (those on Flavor King pictured above). Also with a few flowers are my Pink Lady apple, Fan-stil pear, and Blenheim apricot. ...
by Greg Alder | Oct 2, 2020 | Avocados |
The good news is that even if you don’t train your young avocado tree to the perfect shape, the tree can still ultimately be healthy, balanced, and fruitful. I should know. I’ve got a number of mature avocado trees that perform well but that I wish I had trained...
by Greg Alder | Sep 25, 2020 | Berries and Vines |
Maybe you don’t have much yard space, or maybe you don’t need a bushel of berries, or maybe you don’t want to invest in a trellis support structure. By tying the berry canes of a single plant onto a stake you make the bush’s footprint smaller — you...
by Greg Alder | Sep 11, 2020 | Berries and Vines |
My Aunt Renee always grew the family’s best strawberries in her garden in Corona, where she had a permanent strawberry patch near her garage. All she did each year was rake out a few old or dead plants and add new ones to fill gaps. With a permanent strawberry patch,...
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